Our Program

18 months – 2 ½ years

The toddler stage is a very exciting time in a child’s life! They are busy acquiring new skills and trying to become independent little people. We have capacity for 10 toddlers with two energetic Registered ECE staff.

The toddler room has six different areas of development to enhance the children’s skills: cognitive/fine motor, block/construction, dramatic play, creative art, science/nature and book centre. Although toddlers participate in daily planned activities, our staff encourages them to choose their own areas of interest. Our weekly lesson plans that incorporate our themes are posted two weeks in advance. Our age-appropriate developmental programs allow the toddler to feel successful every day.

The toddlers play in our large playground twice a day, weather permitting. We have a variety of outdoor equipment to further enhance the active toddlers’ large motor skills.

During the toddler year, the children develop language, motor and cognitive skills very quickly. It is a time to allow choice and foster independence in a nurturing environment. Toddlers become preschoolers in a blink of an eye!